Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research
Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
New Research in Real Estate, Regional, and Urban Economics
December 8, 2020, 8:30-15:00, Recanati Building (Room 430)
Session 1
Urban Pull: The Roles of Amenities and Employment
Naomi Hausman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Public Information and Sequential Learning in a Bilateral Market
David Genesove and Niki Kotsenko, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Session 2
On the Impact of Telecommuting on Cities
Jacques- François Thisse, CORE-UCLouvain and HSE University`
Zero Price Effect and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from Online Classified Home
Danny Ben-Shahar, Tel Aviv university
Viewshed Effects and House Prices: Estimating A Spatial Hedonic Model
Daniel Felsenstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Session 3
Resilience in a noisy urban System
Daniel Czamanski, Ruppin Academic Center
Absolute vs. Relative Utility: Status and Building Height
Tsur Somerville, University of British Columbia
Real-Estate Investors, House Prices and Rents: Evidence from Capital-Gains Tax Changes
Yael Elster, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem