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סדרת ניירות המחקר של מכון אלרוב


Presale, Credit Constraints and Housing Supply

Home builders often rely on a combination of traditional credit and presale
agreements to fund construction. In presale, buyers make advanced payments to
builders, repaid by the delivery of a completed condo.

Nikita Kotsenko


Individual Differences and the Repayment of High- and Low- Consequences Debt: Replication and extension

We replicate the results of our previous study about the effect of intelligence and financial resources on the repayment on High- and Low- Consequence Debts (abbreviated as HCD and LCD, respectively), and extend the scope of the individual differences that are examined to include personality characteristics, and particularly the big-five personality dimensions.

Yoav Ganzach


“'Up and Out”: The Social Impact of Israel's Policy Response to the Housing Crisis

The paper examines the consequences of drastic top-down policy interventions aimed at resolving a severe housing price crisis in Israel. The government's main effort was to increase the housing supply, using two main tools: "umbrella agreements" and "buyer's price", which were often implemented together. What impact have these (drastic) policy measures had on housing prices and location?

Sharon Eshel, Talia Margalit, and Oren Yiftachel


Public Information and Sequential Learning in a Bilateral Market

The research studies the effects of improved public information on equilibrium welfare and price dispersion, providing sufficient conditions for negative and positive effects. Public information affects welfare by reducing excessive (though rational) pessimism induced by sequential learning. Reduced pessimism results in fewer agents withdrawing from the market prematurely (compared with the full information benchmark), which increases own ex-post utility in expectation but may also cause a congestion externality.

Nikita Kotsenko


The Effect of Political Belief on Covid-19 Virus Transmission, Vaccine Resistance, And Response to National Closure: Evidence from Israel

We employ comprehensive Israeli data to study how political belief affects COVID-19 virus risk, vaccine uptake, and response to closure policy. We identify households that hold divergent political beliefs based on votes in Israel’s 2020 national election. Results indicate substantial variation in outcomes across belief clusters.

Danny Ben-Shahar, Roni Golan and Stuart Gabriel


Viewshed Effects and House Prices: Estimating A Spatial Hedonic Model

We use GIS techniques to create variables for measuring the visibility value of coast, green areas and open space viewsheds in a spatial hedonic model of house prices. Data come from repeated house sales for the Haifa metropolitan area (Israel) for 1998-2016.

Daniel Felsenstein, Xieer Dai, and A. Yair Grinberger

קול קורא למחקר

קולות קוראים

Call for Research Proposals 2025

The Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research at Tel Aviv University seeks to advance state-of-the-art research in the broad area of real estate and urban economics. We invite faculty members, researchers, and doctoral students to submit proposals for research papers on housing markets, commercial real estate markets, mortgage markets, real estate development, real estate entrepreneurship and investment, real estate capital markets, urban and regional economics, and any other topic related to the broad area of real estate and urban economics

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