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Specialization Program
in Real Estate Management

The real estate industry, the “engine of the economy”, is characterized by huge local and international transactions in the order of hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars.  Activities in the real estate market combine a broad range of areas, including entrepreneurship, law, economics, finance, appraisal and valuation, engineering, planning, and marketing.  The real estate industry offers substantial business opportunities, and succeeding in it is based on a deep understanding of the various areas of real estate, as well as business cycles, risk management, regulation, politics and more.

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In the real estate specialization, emphasis is placed on integrating scientific thinking and practical experience in the real estate business world.  Among the lecturers in the specialization are renowned real estate researchers and senior managers and entrepreneurs from the industry.  The range of courses endows students with tools for analyzing and understanding the micro level activities of the players in the market (entrepreneurs, managers, clients, banks and so on) and the macro level, that is, interactions among the sub-markets of the real estate field, as well as interactions among the real estate markets and the other branches of the economy.  In addition, students become acquainted with the sub-sectors of the market such as residential real estate, office, retail, and industrial real estate– in Israel and throughout the world.

Professor Danny Ben-Shahar

Head of the Real Estate Specialization 

For whom is the specialization program intended?

The specialization program in real estate management is intended for students interested in acquiring academic knowledge and advanced practical tools for decision-making in the real estate market. Graduates of the program will find a career in the real estate market and fill positions such as:

  • Managers in the real estate industry;

  • Investment managers, bankers, risk managers, accountants, lawyers, and professional consultants in the field of real estate;

  • Policy-makers in the area of real estate in the public and regulatory sectors;

  • Real estate appraisers who are interested in broadening their knowledge and acquiring the latest advanced knowledge in the areas of the program;

  • Real estate personnel wishing to specialize in the areas of the program.

Among the topics included in the program of study

real estate investment analysis, international real estate, real estate and the capital market, the real estate industry on the stock exchange in Israel, risk management in real estate financing and investments, tools for financing real estate in Israel and throughout the world, real estate project finance, estimating real estate returns, decision-making in real estate, analyzing financial statements and real estate value, real estate law, urban planning, urban economics, real estate taxation, government reforms in the real estate industry, financing real estate transaction processes, urban renewal, real estate acquisition groups, commercial real estate, residential real estate, behavioral economics in real estate, and more.



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